
Poarta de su' Feleac - Museum - Cluj

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A gate can mean the end of the road. But a gate can also be the beginning of a road. We are waiting for you at The Gate under Feleac, at the end of Cluj and the world, to take a few steps together on the road of traditions, Romanian senses and compassion.

Built out of passion and dreams, The Gate under Feleac aims to bring its visitors closer to traditions. Behind the Maramureş gate on the outskirts of Cluj, in a building that was originally a dry-cleaning workshop, you will find a museum...that is not a museum. At least not in the sense that we are used to giving to the noun museum, because here you will not find exhibits neatly placed behind glass screens, making it impossible to reach them, nor will you find "Do not touch the exhibits!" signs.

On the contrary, here you will have the opportunity to dress up some of the museum's exhibits (and here we mean, of course, the costumes), you will learn to weave a broadloom, you will be able to cook (if you wish, of course) traditional dishes. The Gate under Feleac does not aim to present traditions to you as a museum exhibit, which you look at admiringly, possibly ask some information about, and then leave, telling yourself that you checked another experience. The approach it puts before you is a direct, live one, where you come into direct contact with tradition, with objects that were in our parents' and grandparents' households, that many people have never even had the opportunity to see before.

In the beginning it was the passion for popular culture, for traditions and customs, for what is authentic. Then followed many years of searching, through villages or flea markets, friends or strangers. As the collection began to grow, so did the idea. As time went by, it took shape and, together with the desire to show the collected wonders to others, led to the birth of this project called The Gate under Feleac. A project of a man, a project of a family. In fact, it is our project, because it is about us, about our ancestors, about the past and the traditions of this people.

Cluj-Napoca - Strada Soporului Nr. 20
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