
The Ritual for Increasing Immunity in Bucharest

Available months: Jan-Dec
2 Hours


Optimal health can only be achieved by maintaining a properly functioning immune system. So what is immunization? It strengthens the immune system. Which can be done either naturally, through food, or artificially, through vaccination.
Natural immunization is done at any time, and it helps us at any time, but especially when we are faced with harmful environmental factors that can momentarily reduce the body's natural immune capacity: stress, physical and mental fatigue, change of weather, cold , wind rain. The Shakti Center proposes the Ritual for Increasing Immunity.

The steps of this beneficial ritual are:
- Wrapping with black mud + wintergreen
- Scalp massage with essential mint oil during wrapping
-Invigorating, energetic, toning massage; frictions, vibrations, tapping, stretching; the massage will be performed on the electric blanket (heat boost therapy for the effective relief of cold or flu-specific symptoms) and 5 essential oils diluted in neutral oil will be used, a powerful cocktail that will fight quickly and productively against viruses.
- Application of arnica balm on the back area + 15 minutes infrared -
The last 10 minutes of the ritual will be allocated to the serving of a detoxifying tea with the role of supporting the body in the healing process and at the same time to re-accommodate and balance the body with external factors.
* All the products used are Bio Organice
Black mud: remineralizing, detoxifying and calming action
Wintergreen: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-rheumatic, anti-cough, vasodilator, liver stimulant
Essential oil of mint: tonic, stimulant, decongestant, analgesic, cooling effect
Essential oils contain, as the name suggests, the essence of plants. All the subtle healing power of the plant is stored in them, the effects being remarkable. Essential oils influence health both on the physical level and on the subtle levels, having a broad and deep action. Because we are talking about immunity, especially colds and flu, we stopped at 5 essential oils that are fundamental for it. These are: EUCALYPTUS, PINK PEPPER, LEMON, OREGANO, Cloves
- eucalyptus oil is antiviral, decongestant of the respiratory tract and fluidifier of bronchial secretions; it is an energizing oil, beneficial in states of fatigue and in the case of headaches - pink pepper oil
stimulates peripheral circulation, is a good adjuvant in muscle pain, febrifuge
- lemon oil has curative properties, it is bactericidal, antiseptic, immunostimulant
- oregano oil contains substances that inhibit the development of bacteria, antioxidant, antiparasitic, stimulant, tonic
- clove oil is a broad-spectrum antibacterial, anti-neuralgic, local anesthetic , anticoagulant
Arnica: it is part of the pleiad of immunostimulating plants and is rated as one of the top. It helps the body to strengthen its immunity and to fight against already installed viruses and infections.
Infrared: activation of blood circulation, analgesic decontracting effect
Tea suggestions:
-detox 18 plants

Time schedule:
Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00

București - Strada Părintele Stăniloaie, nr. 7
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The Ritual for Increasing Immunity in Bucharest

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