Symphony of Possibilities Therapy Session in Cluj
If you could get anything from this session, what would you want to get?
The "Symphony of Possibilities'' (SOP access) method creates another reality, the reality where you can work miracles with your life and body. It brings you change, joy, awareness, all contributing to the quality of your life.
It is an energetic approach that invites you to live in a different way, with a new, more joyful, free and unlimited space. It is a session where you can receive and change absolutely anything you want and feel is not working in your life. More than that, it is an opening to a vibrational frequency that brings abundance and freedom.
During the energy session, the person opens up, removes barriers and receives what they have to receive. Your potential comes to the surface, (relationships, body, money) blockages are removed, capacities manifest. You access your inner power and enter a state of invitation. You unlock your potential and create a life full of possibilities. Clear energetic, physical, emotional blockages and open the door to new possibilities.
These energy sessions are done either in person or remotely. The results are the same. The duration of the first session is 30 minutes or 1 hour, depending on the need of each patient.
This massage helps you to deeply relax, release emotional traumas, pain, contractures from your cellular memory, helps you to reconnect with your body and soul, by using the 5 floral blends specially created by us, to inspire you to consciously choose the joy of life, your inner strength, release attached emotions, awaken your sanity and activate your inner nature.
It is a gentle but powerful massage, and in some areas where there is muscle tightness or pain, we use Dr. Schuessler's own blend of oils with tissue salts. The blends contain 5 unique therapeutic oils developed for emotional massage. They have been created to facilitate the release from the body of emotions that get in the way of personal strength, peace of mind, awakening sensuality and rediscovering the joy of life. The blends contain therapeutic essential oils, Dr. Schüessler tissue salts, Dr. Bach flower remedies and Australian flower remedies, all on a base of fractionated coconut oil, organic jojoba, avocado, olive, macadamia nut oils. The remedies enter the skin and then the body's energy structure and work on two levels at the same time: the tissue salts deeply relax the skin, while the flower remedies and essential oils penetrate the cellular level and contribute to balancing the soul as well. Below you will find some information about each product.
You will choose from five unique flower essences depending on your emotional state:
Emotional Detox: for emotional and physical detoxification. It helps to release and unblock stagnant energies in the mental body. It brings relief and clarity to those who feel overwhelmed and stuck.
Joy of Life: it relieves tension and relaxes the nervous system and it is recommended for those suffering from anxiety, depression and postpartum depression.
Inner Strength: it helps increase self-esteem and inner strength. Emotional massage done with this blend helps to raise awareness and treat addictions, fears, abuse, resentment, anger and confusion. It clears the chakras and gives you extra motivation.
Awakens Sensuality: it inspires romance and sensuality and helps you love your body. It is calming and relaxing, it balances feminine and masculine energies (yin and yang) and relieves stress and tension.
Connecting with nature: it helps to boost immunity, reconnect you with nature, it brings up past memories and awareness.
Before the massage, we will have a short discussion in which you fill in a questionnaire about the physical and emotional issues you are currently facing and are unclear about how or where to start your healing journey.
Monday - Friday: 13:00 - 18:00;
Saturday: 11:00 - 14:00;
Sunday: closed.
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1 Session
If you could get anything from this session, what would you want to get?
The session is available online as well.