Back to school - Back to fun
Back to school means Back to fun!
Have friends after school and come and have fun with us in a unique adventure where adventure and adrenaline are always present.
That you want to try electric ATV or that you are ready for a game of paintball, we help you and provide you with the necessary things.
After the fun is over, we offer a specially designed space for serving the meal.
The activity is for a group of maximum 15 people aged between 3 and 10 years.
Approximate duration 4 hours.
For personalised offers, please send an e-mail to support@extasy.com.
Get your tickets
Package 1
The price is an estimate. The package is for a group of maximum 15 people aged between 3 and 10 years.
The package includes: 2 electric ATVs for 60 minutes, paintball shooting at the target (2000 balls) and a specially designed space for serving the meal (2 hours).
The package does not include the meal. Approval duration 4 hours.
For personalised offers, please send an e-mail to support@extasy.com.