CHI NEI TSANG Massage in Bucharest
Chi Nei Tsang is a Taoist massage that emphasizes the movement of Chi energy to the abdominal organs to detoxify and strengthen the body.
Chi Nei Tsang treatments involve the use of gentle, deep touch on the abdominal area to detoxify, tone and energize the internal organs to work more efficiently.
Chi Nei Tsang cleanses the internal organs of stagnant and congested energies and removes habitual emotional patterns.
Chi Nei Tsang helps establish the connection with the center where healing comes from. When communication with this center is established, the directives for return come from within, leading to a process of perceived correction on all existential levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
It determines the person's growth towards evolution and maturity.
The lower abdomen is the center of the body, where breathing and movement originate. It is the structural center of gravity and the center of metabolic processes such as digestion, detoxification and energy processing.
In Traditional Oriental Medicine and martial arts this center, called the Hara center in Japanese or Tan Tien in Chinese, is considered the energy center of the body, the source of energy from which the vital energy originates. Working mainly on the abdomen, with deep, delicate and gentle movements that train the internal organs to work more efficiently, all body systems are involved; digestion, respiratory system, lymphatic system, nervous system, endocrine system, urinary system, reproductive system, bone system, muscular system, but also the energy system as it is commonly used in acupuncture and chi kung medicine.
Time schedule:
Monday - Saturday: 9:00 - 21:00
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90 Minutes
We are waiting for you at a 90-minute session and we guarantee you to come back!