Learn to DJ Cluj
Want to become a DJ and hit the stage? Look no further! Our professional studio offers you the perfect environment to learn the art of DJing. Our experienced instructor will guide you through the entire process, teaching you everything you need to know to create a great blend.
Our studio is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to help you create the perfect mix. We have a variety of players and controllers to choose from, so you can find the perfect setup to suit your style and preferences.
Not sure where to start? No problem! Our instructor will help you learn the basics of DJing and get comfortable with the equipment. Once you have a solid foundation, you can begin to develop your skills and experiment with different techniques to create your own unique sound.
At the end of the session, you'll have the opportunity to record an hour-long mix, perfect to showcase your skills and share with friends and fans.
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned DJ, our studio is the perfect place to learn and improve your skills. So come join us in the studio and let's create great music together!
Get your tickets
Special Package
The package includes:
- 30 minutes equipment training, mix and technique;
- 1 hour mix practice;
- 1 hour mix recording;
- 30 minutes after processing and mastering mix to be posted on any platform you want.

1500 LEI
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