SkiWithMe around the World
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SKI activities in Romania
The price starts at 70 EURO/hour (minimum 6 hours/day/person).
The price does NOT include transport, accommodation, ski pass, equipment, or other related expenses.
For groups, the price for the first person in the group is 70 EURO/hour, with an additional 30 EURO/hour for each EXTRA person (up to groups of 6 people). For group reservations, prior discussions are required to organize and classify participants based on their skiing level/experience, age, and other factors that may influence the smooth running of activities.
The 6 hours/day of skiing activities are scheduled as follows:
09:00 - 12:00 (Ski activities - Session I) - meeting at 08:55 AM;
12:00 - 13:00 (Lunch break);
13:00 - 16:00 (Ski activities - Session II).
Languages available for activities:
Romanian (full);
English (full);
German (some activities);
French (some activities).
The price is estimated, for inquiries please contact us at support@extasy.com.

2100 LEI
Improve your SKI skills in Dubai & Alps - INTERMEDIATE level
The price starts at €100/hour (minimum 5 days with at least 3 hours/day).
STEP I + II (Dubai or other locations) - Minimum 5 days (minimum 3 hours/day) - some activities include equipment and ski pass.
STEP III (the Alps or other international locations) - Minimum 5 days (minimum 3 hours/day).
For more details about STEP I, II, and III, see the description in the "About" section.
Languages available for conducting activities:
Romanian (full);
English (full);
German (some activities);
French (some activities).
Prices are approximate and may vary depending on several factors (location, time, level, activities, etc.). These will be created, proposed, and agreed upon at the time of the package request. For inquiries, please contact us at support@extasy.com.

7500 LEI
Learn to SKI in 3 STEPS - BEGINNER level
The price starts at €100/hour (minimum 5 days with at least 3 hours/day).
STEP I + II (Dubai or other locations) - Minimum 5 days (minimum 3 hours/day) - some activities include equipment and ski pass.
STEP III (the Alps or other international locations) - Minimum 5 days (minimum 3 hours/day).
For more details about STEP I, II, and III, see the description in the "About" section.
Languages available for conducting activities:
Romanian (full);
English (full);
German (some activities);
French (some activities).
Prices are approximate and may vary depending on several factors (location, time, level, activities, etc.). These will be created, proposed, and agreed upon at the time of the package request. For inquiries, please contact us at support@extasy.com.