Airsoft in Cluj
Airsoft: or as they call it, real-life Counter-Strike!
Airsoft is a combat simulator sport similar to paintball, where players recreate various combat scenarios using military tactics, camo clothing and airsoft weapon replicas.
The ammunition used consists of small pellets, much smaller than paintballs, and usually made of solid plastic.
Safety goggles, full or half-face mask and adequate clothing, in tone with the military activity, are a must to play this game.
When choosing your weapon and protective gear, keep the weight of the entire ensemble in mind, or else you risk losing mobility, speed, and stamina on the field.
Airsoft games can be organized both indoors or outdoors. Whether we are talking about an organized game or target practice, the activities need to take place in a private and controlled field, inaccessible to the public.
Since airsoft replicas are categorized as toys as opposed to lethal or fire weapons, owning them requires no special authorization.
In order for this game to take place, a minimum of 6 players is required.
Get your tickets
Airsoft target shooting
The package is for one person.
300 balls.

40 LEI
600 Pellets
This package includes 600 additional pellets, so you can enjoy more fun with your friends!