Therapeutic massage in Brașov
The massage provides a non-invasive and humanistic approach based on the body's natural ability to heal. Here are the benefits of regular massage:
- activates the circulation of blood at the level of the muscles, through capillaries and veins;
- it increases the contribution of nutrients to cells, with regeneration effect;
- activate the circulation of deep lymphatic and blood vessels by compression;
- rebuilds the muscles and accelerates the metabolic processes at the cellular level;
- it increases the resistance to effort of the muscle fibers;
- it prevents to muscle contracts or stretches;
- reduce pain
Location: Brasov, 11 Gloriei Street, inside the Iron Will Gym fitness center
Program: Monday - Saturday: 07:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.
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50 Minutes
Therapeutic massage lasting 50 minutes.