4X4 Experience by TITI AUR
A unique experience behind the wheel of two 4×4 cars, Mitsubishi L200 and Toyota extreme off-road, on our off-road circuit. The trainee is permanently assisted in driving the two models by an off-road trainer specialized on this workshop.
The circuit contains specific elements of an off-road track, but arranged in safe conditions. All the difficulty variants, low, medium and hard, will be covered.
A suitable gift for those who want authentic off-road sensations, but also for those who want to get started in such experiences.
As part of the experience, the learner also goes through the roll-over and frontal impact simulators, which are part of the defensive driving course.
Such an experience awakens, in any 4×4 enthusiast, a need for more adrenaline and a continuous attempt to exceed personal limits. It is an experience you will not forget.
The experience contains the following simulators and workshops:
- front impact simulator with a fixed obstacle;
- 90 and 180 degree roll-over simulator;
- co-driving in a Mitsubishi L200 on our off-road circuit;
- driving a Mitsubishi L200 on our off-road circuit;
- co-driver in Toyota extreme off-road on our off-road circuit;
- driving a Toyota extreme off-road on our off-road circuit.
Duration: 90-120 minutes.
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1 Person
The includes contains the following simulators and workshops:
- front impact simulator with a fixed obstacle;
- 90 and 180 degree roll-over simulator;
- co-driving in a Mitsubishi L200 on our off-road circuit;
- driving a Mitsubishi L200 on our off-road circuit;
- co-driver in Toyota extreme off-road on our off-road circuit;
- driving a Toyota extreme off-road on our off-road circuit;