Get your tickets
200 Paintballs
A minimum of 8 players is required for this experience. With the purchase of the paintballs, you benefit of:
- playground rental until the ends;
- paintball marker;
- protective mask or goggles;
- military surplus camouflage suit;
- training;
- protective vest;
- protective gloves;
- training and refereeing during the game, as well as assistance.

60 LEI
300 Paintballs
A minimum of 8 players is required for this experience. With the purchase of the paintballs, you benefit of:
- playground rental until the ends;
- paintball marker;
- protective mask or goggles;
- military surplus camouflage suit;
- training;
- protective vest;
- protective gloves;
- training and refereeing during the game, as well as assistance.

80 LEI
500 Paintballs
Pachet adițional. Se achiziționează doar împreună cu un alt pachet.

90 LEI
400 Paintballs
A minimum of 8 players is required for this experience. With the purchase of the paintballs, you benefit of:
- playground rental until the ends;
- paintball marker;
- protective mask or goggles;
- military surplus camouflage suit;
- training;
- protective vest;
- protective gloves;
- training and refereeing during the game, as well as assistance.

100 LEI
500 Paintballs
A minimum of 8 players is required for this experience. With the purchase of the paintballs, you benefit of:
- playground rental until the ends;
- paintball marker;
- protective mask or goggles;
- military surplus camouflage suit;
- training;
- protective vest;
- protective gloves;
- training and refereeing during the game, as well as assistance.